It all gets jumbled together: the good, the peaceful, and the terrible.
One moment it seems I’ve found balance, the next I fall off a cliff into a muddy pile of annoyance and overwhelm.
It’s Saturday and I’m ‘there’.
‘There’ is the time, on Saturdays, when my kids go to their Dad’s house and before me stretches the remainder of the day, and ahead the vista of a quiet Sunday and sometimes also a quiet Monday where balance and peace must be topped up. It’s the time I can write, I can go surf and I can sit under the Guanacaste tree and stare into its branches.
Every week I crave a day where NO-ONE needs me. No one asks me questions. I do not have to have any answers; I do not need to be a boss, or a mother; I do not have to have meals ready; I do not need to worry if I have food in the fridge because there are eggs and greens in the garden and though I like a good meal I dislike shopping and love my days where I can subsist.
I do not like too many of these quiet days. Just enough to recharge before my world gets full. Just enough to get me through to the following Saturday and keep my balance although I always lose it at least twice no matter what.
This week - the one ahead - I’m afraid of. It’s full of the ingredients that trip me up. But the week behind me I prepped for the week ahead. As a result - it being Saturday - I’m gasping for the breath of this spacious pause - and hoping I’ve done what I needed to make the next week ok …
I’m building walls around the top floor yoga studio next week.
I’m not good at building stuff.
But I have a vision for a kind of apothecary herbal medicine making - movement - workshop studio and the time is right to execute. I’ve saved enough money to do this next thing. So … here I go….
But first. Saturday.
And also the video up top … the first part of my book… The Home Tree… About this wild, possibly inspirational, definitely sometimes unadvisable, and yet beautiful, life-that-I-live.
Thanks for reading and being part of my wild life
With love,